Friday, March 2, 2012

Author's Bio

So after countless hours of researching how to write the perfect cover letter and author's bio, while dealing with an awful case of the stomach flu...I have come up with my finished author's bio.  Of all the research I've found, they say if you have no accomplishments or anything published (cough, cough- that would be me), to keep it short, but also show your personality and writing style.  Well, I can do short and funny...

Author’s Bio
Natalie Replogle is a busy stay-at-home mom, of three young kids, who enjoys leaving the glamorous life of dirty diapers, dishes and laundry to get lost in writing novels full of romance and suspense.

After a feedback of suggesting I put my husband in my bio (makes sense), I changed things up a is the new one...

Author’s Bio
Natalie Replogle is a busy stay-at-home mom of three young kids and a wife to her heart-throb.  She enjoys escaping the glamorous life of dirty diapers, dishes and laundry to get lost in writing novels full of romance and suspense.